There may be limits on attendees for events. Please register as soon as you know you are interested. All events are offered on a first come first serve basis.
Calendar of Events for 3rd Rock Kids, Inc.
Events for 3rd Rock Kids February 2024. Enrolled 3rd Rock Kids youth members can participate in most activities for free. Non-members pay non-member fees for each event.
Friday, February 28th, 2025 - Intro to Hydroponics
5:30 PM Beyond Crayons Art Studio, 665 Prospect Street, Chicopee, MA
Members - Free
Nonmembers - $15.00
Members will learn the process of hydroponics including seed starting and plant growing without soil. They will discuss what nutrients are needed for the plants to thrive without soil. They will create their own mini hydroponic unit and seed propagation bags that they will bring home.
Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 - 11:00 am Lunden Pond and Temple Brook Loop Trial, Monson, MA
Members - Free
Nonmembers - $15
Our members will be introduced to winter tracking. We will bring our tracking charts with us and see if we can find some animal tracks in the snow. This hike is approx. 2.2 miles long and will take about 1 1/2 hours to complete. (Postponed due to icy trails)
Friday, February 7th, 2025 - Make your own Seeded Paper Valentines Card Event
Time 5:30 pm @ Beyond Crayons Art Studio, 665 Prospect Street, Chicopee, MA
Members - Free
Members will discover the art of papermaking. We will incorporate an added twist of including plant seeds. Members will turn these seed papers into Valentines cards for friend or family members. The receiver of the card can then plant the paper to give them beautiful flowers for their garden or yard.
Click on the Registration Button to sign up for any events
you wish to attend.